

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室, kitchen design

(摄影:Sean Litchfield)

在繁忙的, 繁忙的度假家庭厨房, ample space and effortless efficiency are key to making gatherings fun for everyone—including the hosts! 当珍妮和基普·亚当斯, 这个斯托的房主, VT滑雪屋, considered how they could configure their kitchen to support their love of cooking and 娱乐, 安装RootCellar是完美的解决方案.

The well-appointed walk-in refrigerated pantry and freezer boasts an array of practical benefits, 包括灵活的存储解决方案, 完全可见的食物供应, 视频监控库存水平, 处理大盘片的能力 & 散装物品都在一个地方和更多. While captivated by the functionality for hosting family and friends, 他们真的很欣赏它的美感.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室, kitchen design(摄影:Sean Litchfield)

“It was really nice to be able to customize our RootCellar to the overall look and feel that we were going for in the house,珍妮说。. “Because it is a ski home, we wanted warm colors and a rustic Vermont feel.”

What makes it so easy to integrate the RootCellar into the design is its patented, hands-free pocket door built to match existing cabinetry or complement other kitchen design elements, 让它成为设计师的梦想. 在这个空间里, the RootCellar door exterior features the same warm wood panels of the cabinetry and trim crafted from the rough-cut wood seen throughout the entire home.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室, kitchen design(摄影:Sean Litchfield)

没有大的, stainless steel refrigeration appliances interrupting the flow, there is a sense of serenity that reflects the surrounding nature.  “I love the fact that the RootCellar blends right in,” Jenny shares. “它让所有东西都感觉更宽敞.”

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室, kitchen design(摄影:Sean Litchfield)

While no two RootCellar doors are the same, even more possibilities abound with the interior design. 从天花板到地板, 架子和五金, every aspect of the inside of the RootCellar is customizable. Large black limestone tile paired with a dark grout creates a monochromatic look, complementing the home’s abundance of natural stone. The sleek look is carried throughout the ceiling and freezer space, 并设有易于清洁的浮式玻璃搁架.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室(摄影:Sean Litchfield)

“我可以快速、轻松地看到我们拥有的所有东西. It's not hidden or buried in the back as things typically are in our fridge at home,珍妮说。. “It makes grocery shopping more efficient because I know exactly what I need to buy and I don’t use up my vacation time with multiple trips to the grocery store.“通过安装网络摄像头, 供应可以远程监控, making it easier to shop for a weekend away or gear up for visits from extended family and friends.

“The RootCellar has been a game changer for 娱乐,珍妮说。. With a large family, cooking and 娱乐 is a big part of their vacation home experience. From Thanksgiving feasts to Christmas soirées and Easter brunches, 他们在她家接待了30多位客人, and the RootCellar has proven indispensable during these occasions.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室, remote stock level monitoring(摄影:Sean Litchfield)

“One of the biggest benefits I've noticed is that I can prep everything ahead of time and have the room to store it." With the RootCellar providing ample space for storing pre-made dishes ready to pop in the oven, 他们可以享受更多与客人共度的美好时光, 谁被提供了一个简单的, welcoming place to unpack and store their contributions to each gathering. “你有空间放所有东西,珍妮解释道, "and that really frees up the amount of time I can spend with my family because I have the room and the space to do it ahead of time."

The RootCellar is more than just a functional addition; it's a conversation starter. When they open the automatic pocket door with the sensor button, 客人们惊叹于它的精巧, intrigued to explore its elegant (and highly organized!)内部. “RootCellar绝对是一个‘了不起的功能’。,珍妮肯定地说, echoing the sentiments of all who discover this next-level luxury kitchen essential.

 To learn more about what RootCellar Concepts can do for your home, visit www.rootcellarconcepts.com.

(额外的项目学分- Tile: Brian Eskew, 艾弗里·高德特, 水管工:Tim King, 首席木匠:杰伊·塔切特
